2 December 2004 PARS Board Meeting Minutes


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Meeting Minutes










The board met at Coco's, with 3 members, Van Kichline KD7QIT, Don Hickman WF7Z, and Doug Bell KD7KKR. They called Charles Beckmeier W7CEB, who had forgotten to come.

The Christmas party announcement email message was discussed.

Email and other computer problems were discussed.

Blogging was discussed.

The new MSN "Build your own website" feature was discussed.

Improvements to the PARS website were discussed.

Doug described the simple website he had made at work.

Van proposed using his server at home for all or part of the PARS website.

We need to look through the list of paid members to see if there are any who don't have an email address. If there are any, they need to be notified since we aren't mailing Sparks.

The trustee for the K7PAR repeater needs to be changed. Van has a web link to the forms. Don will be the trustee.

PARS goal: to change the trustee by the end of the year.

There was discussion about the relative merits of placing the repeater at Van's vs. Evergreen Hospital.

Terry Detman's recent hospital stay and return to home was discussed.

Ron Verschuyl K7AAE, who was scheduled to give a presentation at the December meeting, did not make it due to an emergency. Van asked Don to give him a call about giving a presentation at the January meeting.

Van plans to write an article for the website about his satellite antenna, but he has a report to write for his church first.

Van talked about an on-line article his wife wrote that became very popular due to its utility.

We had discussed doing a contest at the previous board meeting. We missed the November Sweeps.

Van joined Amsat and got a bunch of liturature.

Van is disappointed about finding current, valid info on line about working satellites. Van would like the PARS website to be a one-stop shop for info for low-end ham satellite users.

Van will travel to Texas for Christmas. He plans to take his HT.

Van had paid $80 for his Morse code trainer. Doug says it's now on the website for $60.

Doug hasn't found his HT yet, but he has an idea where it is.

Buying stuff and getting rid of other stuff was discussed.

Let's try again to do digital modes, more modes, etc. at the next Field Day.

There was discussion about how busy the satellite Van's been working is.

Van would like us to do another Fox hunt. Doug talked about previous PARS fox hunts, and about fox hunt equipment and techniques. Van mentioned using an HT in crossband repeater mode for the fox. Van proposed doing a practice hunt with everyone working together.

We need to come up with talks for February and March.

Don plans to be gone for the January general meeting.

Doug talked about how to modify his radiosonde tracker antenna mount to be driven by a computer.

Van talked about getting a telescope that can do star tracking and using that for satellite tracking.

Don will come up with a program for February. Van should get a hold of Don if he doesn't hear from him within a week.

Doug talked about his idea to index all the Amateur Radio Newsline articles on the PARS website. He talked about how the Amateur Radio Newsline is primarily an audio report, and is only partially transcribed.

After the meeting Don and Van will stop by the PARS trailer to get something.

The meeting adjourned about 8:01 PM.

Respectfully Submitted -
Doug Bell, KD7KKR
PARS Secretary